Ok now I know this support group meant to make everyone feel better and so on but listen I cant sugar coat surgery , the good things I can say that it was quick and they say its pretty low risk.
My biggest fear as i left home on the morning of the 10/06/2010 was that i was never gonna see my child again and that he was gonna grow up without a mother , but as ive spoken to many other moms who have done this procedure I think thats the main fear.
I woke up from the surgery screaming help me lol a little melodramatic, the surgeon asked what's the matter and my answer was I don't know just help me.
after sleeping for most of the day and seeing different members of my friends and family faces wave at me and me totally unable to keep my eyes open, visiting hour was finished and everyone went home lol seems like my stomach was waiting for the audience to leave, because I started vomiting now.
Im not talking a little spit up im talking exorcist black vomit flying across the the ward onto my bed ,floor and clothes.
honestly I think that was the worse part of the whole thing and no im on a liquid diet that's easy because im actually not hungry , dose that mean the surgery worked ???????? well who know watch this space
2 weeks post op 257lbs today 231lbs total loss 26 lbs in 2 weeks and 4 days yeyness!!!!